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27 September 2023

Gender Pay Gap

It is a legislative requirement that all private and voluntary sector employers in England, Scotland and Wales, with 250 or more employees, calculate their gender pay and gender bonus gaps as they are on 5 April each year, and that details of the organisation’s gender pay gap are published on an annual basis.

Our approach to gender equality

Here at Acorn by Synergie, we are committed to promoting diversity, inclusivity and equality in all areas and have a range of measures in place to support and implement this.

Our principles are:

  • Top-level ownership -We lead from the top, and the Acorn by Synergie Board is fully committed to the ownership and sponsorship of gender equality. This includes holding overall responsibility to support and cascade new and existing policies supporting diversity, inclusivity and equality at Acorn by Synergie to our colleagues.
  • Consistency & fairness - We have introduced career pathways and pay scales for Recruiters; to encourage further transparency and consistency with regard to remuneration packages.
  • Best practice -We routinely benchmark against comparable sectors to evaluate our own performance to ensure best practice.
  • Learning and development - We regularly conduct full analysis against training requirements relating to the importance, understanding and management of equality, diversity and inclusion for our colleagues.
  • Investment -We regularly hold discussions with our key stakeholders to discuss ongoing learning requirements and secure budget for training design and delivery.
  • Accountability - Objectives relating to fair and inclusive working practices form an integral part of interim and annual performance reviews throughout the year and are a key part of our employee responsibilities.
  • Empowerment - We have an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion working group which meets on a monthly basis to discuss any EDI issues, promote EDI throughout the group and to develop & implement new EDI initiatives.


Our Gender Pay Gap – snapshot date 5 April 2023

  • The mean hourly rate for women is 8.6% lower than the mean hourly rate for men.
  • The median hourly rate for women is 8.8% lower than the mean hourly rate for men.
  • Our top salary quartile has 80.4% men and 19.6% women
  • Our upper middle salary quartile has 71.5% men and 28.5% women
  • Our lower middle salary quartile has 71% men and 29% women
  • Our lower salary quartile has 65% men and 35% women
  • Our female bonus pay is 35.6% lower (mean) and 50% lower (median) than male bonus pay
  • 52% of men and 57.3% of women received bonus pay


What do the numbers say?

Acorn by Synergie places some 2,500 people into hundreds of different client companies each week. Under gender pay gap reporting requirements, we legally obliged to include our temporary workforce in the gender pay gap calculations.

As a recruitment organisation, the pay rates of the workers we place are dictated to us by the clients we engage with. The types of workers we place vary on a huge scale – from industrial and production workers through to senior executives and highly-skilled specialist consultants.

The gender pay gap reporting requirements, and as such, our analysis, means that we need to take into account all roles at all levels – meaning not just within the Acorn by Synergie itself, but also to include those of our clients too. 

Because of this, our data is not limited to comparing pay received by men and women performing the same roles.

As a national organisation supplying an expansive variety of workers across the UK, our pay rates are also influenced by a range of external factors including geographical variations and demand against specific skills shortages in specific areas, and as such are subsequently unrelated to gender.

Gender neutral by design

Because of these external variations, the gender pay gap report statistics are not truly indicative of what the Acorn by Synergie pays our ‘internal’ staff.

Our approach to pay is gender neutral by design, meaning that men and women who do equivalent jobs are paid equally. As a company, we are able to regularly review and analyse our internal employee pay to make sure that men and women are treated equally when performing the same role.

It should be noted that the gender pay gap shows the difference in average pay between women and men, regardless of their role, and is therefore different to ‘equal pay’. As such, we are therefore confident that we do not have equal pay issues.

Committed to equality

We have strong female representation throughout our internal workforce (59% female v 31% male). Conversely, proportionally more men than women are directly assigned to our clients (70% male v 30% female).

We’re committed to developing a deeper understanding and analysis of the reasons behind the gender pay gap, and where appropriate, defining and implementing appropriate actions such as the ones above to help us continue to promote equality and diversity as an employer.

I confirm that the information and figures in our disclosure are accurate and have been calculated in accordance with gender pay gap reporting requirements as outlined in the legislation and accompanying guidance.

Bernard Ward, Group Managing Director