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23 August 2023

Spring clean your career

Spring clean your career

Now that spring is in the air it’s naturally that time of year when you start thinking about making changes in your life. Spring cleaning your house or wardrobe is one thing but what about the important things in your life like making a career move or developing a new skill?

Changing your job can often be a challenging and stressful time but with some thought and pre-planning it can become a positive and rewarding experience:

Step 1 – Be honest.

Ask yourself do you want to change your job or would changes within your current role be enough? If you enjoy where you work but feel in a ‘rut’ would learning a new skill or taking on new responsibility give you the new challenge you want? If you feel under-valued or need a higher salary, perhaps it’s time to speak to your line manager and discuss the possibility of putting together a career development plan, taking on new projects or even a pay review.

Step 2 – What is your five year plan?

Finding out what you want to do and where you want to be in the future will help you plan to achieve that goal. Be realistic on whether this is achievable in one job move or whether it will take you a few incremental steps to get there. If you want to change direction completely, what skills and qualifications do you need, and will you be able to gain these in a work setting or will you need to study for them?

Step 3 – Are you prepared?

Is your CV up to date and does it demonstrate your strengths and abilities in the best possible light? Be prepared to spend time and effort on this. Ask others to give you their honest opinion on whether it highlights your best qualities. Remember to sell your achievements and transferable skills.

Step 4 – Can you be found?

Ensure that employers and recruiters can find you. This is vital in a digital world so make sure you have included all the relevant key words for the job you want to do rather than the one you already do. Always be consistent with the information you broadcast; your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles should all tell the same story as your CV.

Step 5 – Use your contacts and networks. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, advice and recommendations from your peers and contacts. Build close links with professional recruitment consultants so that they understand your strengths and requirements.

Step 6 – Be persistent.

Finding the right role may take time and it may mean revisiting the steps above. Be prepared to listen to feedback, take advice and adjust your game plan.

By taking a good look at your present situation and developing a clear approach to your career development, you will be able to focus on what is important and become more effective in your job search.

If you decide that you want to take on a fresh challenge this spring then Acorn can help.